Thursday, March 18, 2010


How often do you stop in a party to ask yourself something like - “What’s the point?".

Well, this is something that Mark Sayers makes you realize. Confronting the concept of self in a very rational, yet sticking to the biblical foundations, author gives a very accurate picture of today’s social world. How we have come to an age where everyone lives with a pseudo-identity created out of modern myths. As you read on, you come to know that it’s not your another-self-help book.

Rather, it’s an ideology. One that asks you to be true to yourself and recognize yourself as an image of GOD. As put in the very well written foreword by Leonard Sweet, the kind of self we know today has a brief history. Mark dwells on the influences of today’s social life and gives an account of various selves like the "Social self of Sexy" and "Social self of Cool".

What’s more interesting is the writing style of Mark Sayers. Comparing with the modern image of self as horizontal-self: one that’s being driven by fake desires and skepticism, Sayers offers a vertical-self that reaches up to the GOD.

Comparing both images as if making a simple power point presentation, Sayers gives something very insightful in a very unique package. It’s definitely the time to reach to your vertical-self.